People, get ready…*

*Lyrics from People Get Ready as sung by Eva Cassidy. I don’t think I need to explain why this song works here. Well, except that there is a double meaning this week – working on a blog redesign and some exciting new content. So, get ready. Twice.

Photo via instagram (afirepoleinthediningroom).

You don’t need no ticket, you just get on board. And, ok, so you need a TV, and possibly a cable subscription. But, tonight, Heather and Aaron of A Fire Pole in the Dining Room are going to be on HGTV’s House Hunters! Cool people, a drinking game, and a fun behind the scenes look at finding the perfect home on TV makes for a fun evening of entertainment. Or, at least a half hour’s worth.

Check it out, or just check out their blog. You know, if you like original thinkers, creative spaces, and mixing modern with vintage, and clean with character-laden craft.

Congratulations on your big debut, kids!



  1.'Heather {A Fire Pole in the Dining Room}

    Thank you so much for the shout out and kind words. It was kind of awesome to see the firehouse in it’s pre-purchase glory. Even though we don’t see it most days, it has come a long, LONG way. It’s a nice reminder when I’m jonsing for a little more decorating and a little less renovating. We’ll get there… one step at a time.

    I’m excited for your blog redesign and exciting new content! Oooh! 🙂

    1. Kati Post author

      I think the husband might have exacerbated his little cold staying up late de-bugging the site. Hoping to launch very soon. It’s been a LONG time coming. Not quite like living through a renovation, but equally maddening in some ways.

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